Glutathione is a protein made up of three amino acids that is produced by the cells in our body and plays a key role in important biochemical mechanisms. Glutathione, which is formed by the combination of glycine, cysteine and glutamate amino acids, is responsible for neutralizing and removing some harmful substances for the body by using special chemical bonds in its structure.
Glutathione is the most important anti-oxidant known in the body (it cleans the free oxygen radicals in the body formed during energy metabolism).
Active Glutathione (GSH): Glutathione renews itself in the liver when it is saturated by collecting free radicals. Under ideal conditions, 10% of glutathione is in the inactive (oxidized) state, while 90% is in the active form. When active glutathione, also known as GSH, drops below 90%, we begin to lose the battle with free radicals. GSH continues to decrease as toxins accumulate further. When GSH falls below 70%, the immune system is impaired. In other words, the balance of reduced glutathione with oxidized glutathione in the body is extremely important.
What causes glutathione deficiency?
Synthetic food dyes;
Benzopyrenes (cigarette smoke, barbecue smoke, exhaust fumes, etc.);
excessive alcohol consumption ;
household cleaning products (detergents, fabric softeners, room fragrances, mothballs, cleaning materials, bleaches, etc.);
kitchen supplies (non-stick pan coatings, plastic storage containers, tin cans and inner linings of cardboard packaging, etc.);
formaldehyde and styrene (photocopy and printer toner inks);
chlorinated water;
UV radiation;
electromagnetic fields (EMF);
Industrial waste.
Malnutrition – glutathione synthesis is insufficient as a result of lack of cofactor vitamins and minerals, insufficiency of other antioxidants causes glutathione to be wasted;
Excessive exercise – excess free radical formation in the body causes the consumption of glutathione;
chronic stress;
anxiety, worry;
Exposure to light at night reduces the synthesis of glutathione by suppressing the release of melatonin.
Foods and Supplements That Increase Glutathione Levels
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)
B vitamin complex
Alpha-lipoic acid
Vitamin C
Sports-physical activity
SAMe – S-adenosyl-methionine
Studies have shown that supplementation of glutathione or its precursor molecule N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) may be beneficial in certain health problems. In this regard, health professionals can benefit from glutathione and its derivatives in the management of the following health problems:
Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
Side effects due to chemotherapy
Patients receiving hemodialysis treatment
People who have had bypass surgery
Parkinson’s disease
Anti-aging treatments
joint rheumatism
infectious diseases
Glutathione and its derivatives can be taken orally, as well as inhaled by inhalation or given to the patient in IV form. The dose of glutathione to be given may vary according to the age of the patient and the underlying health problem. It is very important for the person to consult his doctor before using glutathione and to take supplemental glutathione under the supervision of a physician in terms of protecting health.
Alpha lipoic acid
Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant and a compound naturally produced by the body. Alpha lipoic acid support can be taken to treat and prevent cancer, to treat diabetes, diabetic neuropathies, HIV / AIDS and liver diseases.
It is known as anti-aging thanks to its anti-aging properties.
It prevents nerve damage in diabetic patients.
It helps to lose weight thanks to its effect on metabolism and also being an appetite suppressant.
It contains more antioxidants than vitamins C and E, which are known to be rich in antioxidants.
It provides the regeneration of vitamin C directly and vitamin E indirectly.
As an oxygen enhancer, it minimizes the risk of developing cancer diseases.
It has important effects on diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by ensuring the healthy functioning of brain cells.
Helps regenerate brain cells in stroke patients.
It prevents vascular occlusion and keeps the vascular system young.
By regulating your insulin resistance with Alpha Lipoic Acid, you can prevent hunger crises and reduce your appetite visibly. This will also contribute to your weight loss as it will allow you to take fewer calories during the day. It also helps to lose weight thanks to its important anti-oxidant feature. Alpha lipoic acid can be taken from the outside with supplementary foods, or it can be taken into the body through the i.v. route.