What is Acne Scar Treatment?
Acne scars are as important social and psychological problems as acne itself.
Different clinical types of acne vulgaris may affect the superficial and/or deep dermis, leading to different blemishes or scar formation. While these may only present with mild redness and dark spots, hypertrophic (raised from the skin) or atrophic (decadent of the skin) scar types may develop. The most important step in the treatment of acne scars is the effective treatment of early inflamed acne to prevent scarring. After the scar has developed, the symptoms are minimized by applying various physical and chemical skin rejuvenation methods or by defect-repairing methods:
– Fractional laser therapy: It is effective in the treatment of atrophic scars, including superficial icepick scars. It may also be useful in the treatment of inactive old hypertrophic and keloidal scars.
-Micro-needle radiofrequency (gold needle): It is effective in the treatment of moderate and severe acne scars. It is a method that can be used in all types of atrophic scars. Without causing direct damage to the upper layer of the skin, it causes the water in the skin cells to warm up, the formation of heat-shock proteins and increases the wound healing response.
– Enzymatic peelings that peel the upper layer of the skin: These are applications that peel the upper layer of the skin and reduce follicular keratinization using glycolic acid, salicylic acid, TCA.
TCA and CROSS technique can be used in icepick scars.
Chemical peeling agents are often used in “mild scar” forms.
– Subcision (application with a special needle under the skin) treatment: It is an application in which subdermal incision, 18-26 G hypodermic needles, nokor needle tip or cannulas are used. It is based on the cutting of dermal fibrotic bands in atrophic scars.
– Excision of acne scars (surgery)
– Acne mesotherapy
– Filling: Very good results can be obtained, especially when combined with subcision in Rolling scars.
In addition to fillings containing hyaluronic acid, fillings containing Poly-L-Lactic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite that stimulate collagen production can be used.
– Microdermabrasion (peeling and vacuuming the top dead layer of the skin by spraying fine particles on the skin surface)