Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by red, scaly lesions, usually on the knees, elbows, scalp, and buttocks. This picture, which is observed at a rate of 1-2% in the society, is thought to occur in individuals with genetic predisposition due to the effects of stimulating factors such as some drugs, psychogenic factors, physical traumas, infections, alcohol and cigarettes.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that causes the skin to multiply several times faster than normal.
In the case of psoriasis, white blood cells known as T cells mistakenly attack your skin cells.
Generally, in the body, white blood cells are deployed to attack and destroy invading bacteria and create a defense against infections. In this disease, the attack causes the skin cell production process to become over-accelerated. Accelerated skin cell production causes new skin cells to develop very quickly.
Attacks on skin cells also cause red, inflamed areas of the skin to grow. Various options are used in the treatment of psoriasis, including cream treatments applied to the skin, phototherapy (narrow band ultraviolet B; dbUVB), photochemotherapy (psoralen+UVA; PUVA), traditional systemic agents and biological agent treatments.